The summer ahead
14th July 2021The summer ahead-
Should the good old British weather decide to play ball with us, a summer with less restrictions and a wealth of options to go out, travel eat and enjoy ourselves lie ahead…
Whilst some may decide its too soon to venture out, many are embracing our newly restored freedoms and bars, restaurants and soon to be nightclubs and events will kick into full swing.
From April when we could start eating outside, those that could open have been insanely busy, then from May onwards the appetite for eating out and socialising has not abated.
Whilst many restaurants have fallen by the wayside and lets face it, for the most part that is tragic even if they were ill conceived or badly run. There is always the collateral of un employed staff or unpaid suppliers. But on the return there are so many new operators filling those spaces with great deals from landlords, excitement and exuberance and often a new angle on what eating out could be like.
Lockdown has taught us all many things, but I have seen in hospitality the ability to make change, be adaptable and find a way to make it work.
For many of the clients we work with currently the story is a similar one. We have re-opened and are extremely busy, we have more customers and less staff, how do we cope?? Or we have expanded, taking advantage of the opportunities that are out there currently and how do we grow.
The solution for each of these clients, whilst tailored to their individual needs is often about people. Finding the people you need, giving them the tools and the training they require and providing a structure for them to grow in. Hospitality is all about people at the end of the day. Many of us can write a great manual on how to serve someone, but its personality that counts in the end.
And as a side note, perhaps now that we have all hit the reset button, perhaps there is a chance to change some of the things that needed to change in hospitality. Long hours and pressure are an integral part of restaurants and events. But bullying, oppressive behaviour is shameful and never acceptable or necessary. Now is the time to leave this shit behind..
So the summer ahead, should it arrive. No doubt it will be a busy one, lots of exciting new openings, lots of great places to explore and lots of new opportunities…
Watch this space-