




Welcome to our blog, here you will find all the latest news from Lumiere HQ! Our blog is intended to be a little more relaxed than our Restaurant Strategy topics. In some ways our strategy topics are quite simply our fine dining of restaurant content, where as our blog is more grab and go. We plan to serve you up with great recipes, brand information, new clients news and much more.. Enjoy!

How to find restaurant property in London LATEST

How to find restaurant property in London

15th September 2023

How to find restaurant property in London At Lumiere we are often asked to advise, find or negotiate on restaurant property in London. It is a volatile and competitive market, and moving swiftly but considerately is so important. London’s vibrant culinary scene is a testament to its diverse culture and rich history. If you’re considering […]

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The Future of restaurant payments

10th September 2023

The Future of restaurant payments The global restaurant industry is moving into an exciting new era of payment innovation as the financial management and services sector responds to the supercharged impacts of a fluctuating consumer landscape. Our research reveals that consumers are already becoming more interested in next-gen payment options – the future of spending […]

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International Event Chefs LATEST

International Event Chefs

5th September 2023

International Event Chefs At Lumiere we have been fortunate enough to have travelled many times for work to many far flung places.  Having had a long career in hospitality and specifically large events, director Ben Floyd and his team frequently are approached to assist with forums, dinners and sporting events in Africa, Asia and the […]

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Restaurant consultant Caribbean LATEST

Restaurant consultant Caribbean

3rd September 2023

Restaurant Consultant Caribbean- At Lumiere we love travelling and are fortunate enough to have worked and travelled to many continents. Imagine a career that combines your passion for food, your love for travel, and your knack for business acumen. As a restaurant consultant in the Caribbean, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing just that. In […]

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Hotel consultancy Angola LATEST

Hotel consultancy Angola

29th August 2023

Hotel Consultancy Angola, Luanda such as many parts of Africa is developing at such a fast rate, becoming a popular tourist destination. Where people can really sample the best that Africa has to offer. Sunshine, beautiful scenery, rich culture, amazing food and the warmest people on the planet. At Lumiere we travel to many parts […]

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Menu development for restaurants LATEST

Menu development for restaurants

7th August 2023

Menu Development for restaurants- We have found over the years that our greatest number of enquiries is about menu development for restaurants. We design menus for bars, cafes, night clubs and event companies. But have found that our niche really lies in the following areas. Multi site restaurants where there isn’t an Executive chef to […]

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La Croissance Florissante de l’Industrie Hôtelière en Afrique LATEST

La Croissance Florissante de l’Industrie Hôtelière en Afrique

30th July 2023

La Croissance Florissante de l’Industrie Hôtelière en Afrique : Un Continent en Pleine Expansion Ces dernières années, l’Afrique a connu une croissance remarquable dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie, captivant le monde entier par ses paysages à couper le souffle, sa culture riche et son accueil chaleureux. Des complexes hôteliers de luxe dans les déserts du […]

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Cape Verde Hotels LATEST

Cape Verde Hotels

28th July 2023

Cape Verde Hotels Africa is never far from our hearts and our thoughts at Lumiere, having travelled and lived in Gabon for many years we are delighted each time we return to the continent. The flourishing hospitality and tourism trade brings wealth and development to countries rich in history and beauty. Cape verde hotels are […]

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Restaurant consultant Tblisi Georgia LATEST

Restaurant consultant Tblisi Georgia

28th July 2023

Restaurant consultant Tblisi Georgia Nestled in the Caucasus region, Georgia boasts a rich cultural heritage and a cuisine as diverse as its landscape. Steeped in history and celebrated for its warm hospitality, the country is now witnessing an unprecedented surge in culinary creativity with a wave of new restaurants popping up across its cities and […]

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What should I consider when costing my menu? LATEST

What should I consider when costing my menu?

22nd July 2023

What should I consider when costing my menu? Costing a menu involves calculating the total cost of all the ingredients used to prepare the dishes on the menu. It is essential for a restaurant or food business to ensure that the prices set for the menu items cover the cost of ingredients and other associated […]

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The Three Main Considerations When Creating a Food Item for Retail LATEST

The Three Main Considerations When Creating a Food Item for Retail

22nd July 2023

The Three Key Considerations When Creating a Food Item for Retail   Creating a successful food item for retail requires more than just a delicious recipe. From concept to packaging, there are essential factors that every food entrepreneur and producer must carefully consider to ensure their product stands out on store shelves and appeals to […]

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What is hospitality business coaching? LATEST

What is hospitality business coaching?

14th July 2023

Hospitality Business, performance and wellness coaching- The super-fast paced hospitality industry comes with a unique blend of creativity, discipline, strategy and leadership, all through a lens of incredibly high customer service expectations. Its an industry that is physically, mentally, socially and spiritually draining so requires extraordinary resilience and a genuine love of service to others. […]

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We offer all new clients a FREE consultation to discuss any new or existing projects.


Lumiere Consultancy are a restaurant consultancy providing professional food and chef consultant services. Our Founder (Ben) has been in hospitality for over 25  years and is now predominantly based in London. Our key areas of expertise are full concept, property search, project management, menu design, operations and training. 

On our website you will find some really useful information in our Restaurant Strategy Projects and all our service related topics within Restaurant Consultancy.  We are an end to end solution for all of your hospitality needs. 

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